The Still Mind

Our world observed from stillness


Run run run as fast as you can, you won’t catch peace ’cause you’re moving too fast!

When, if ever, will it be the time which one has been waiting for? Today, you buy some food to serve as a placeholder until you can buy the type of food that you know that you should be eating. “This will do for now; I gotta run. No time.” Tomorrow. The next day, the day after that; a month; two, three; six months; a year. Still running, still accumulating placeholders. Not just for yourself, but for your children as well, for them and the life around you and them and everyone. Things to tide all the runners over until something better or an ultimate goal comes along, because you must rush, and run, and do this and do that; hurry hurry. But all the while that you are searching for better and ultimate, the quality of the body, the mind, the relationship, degrades like a flame consuming the wick of a candle as it burns. One’s life and the life of those which you brought up around you have been substituted with placeholders, and now there is no returning. The past actions have come, commenced, and gone, but the result remains here in the present. You couldn’t listen to the environment around you because you were moving too fast, and coaxing others to move fast right along with you. Not just within one’s family, but outside as well. When will it be the time to listen? “Where does the time go?” The answer may lie in one’s own pace, for if you move too fast to be bothered to notice things, then one is sure not to notice the passing of time. Only when you must hurry to be somewhere or do something, does time matter, and in such a case, one’s whole day is like that. Finish this so I can move on to that. Clock clock clock. “What time is it?… Oh, I gotta hurry!”. Quick, now run again after the first running, so that you can go run again, and again, and again. “I can only have fun for a few minutes because I have to go run some more.” “This weekend I need to go all out, because next week I must run; quick quick, let’s go!” Run in your head. Run here, run there; run everywhere.

Slow down. Not later; now. Later is later and has not come yet; now is now. Once you wait for later, the effects of your past “now” have already arrived, and your “later” from before is brimming only with regret. You want the past back so you can do it over…. The birth of suffering. Longing for the future and living in the past; your now goes by unnoticed for the sake of illusions.

All there is is now…

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This is Only My Finger… Now, Chop it Off And Look at The Moon!

You can read my words and like or dislike what you read, but in the end it is only your own self that is swayed this way or that. These are just words on a screen. Sure, they serve a purpose, yet they have no purpose. A finger that points at the moon is only a finger, it is not the moon. It serves a purpose to direct the searcher toward the moon’s location in the night sky, but when the searcher finds the moon, the finger is no longer necessary. Forget it; chop it off! Forget words; put them down. Forget my words, they only get in the way.
Do not take my words on faith, otherwise one falls into the trap of delusional knowing. To know, a thing must be seen for one’s self. But if one is to know anything, it should be the knowing of non-knowing. To know non-knowing, you must answer a question: who is it that knows anything?


Mind Like Fly Paper 如同粘蝇纸之心

When you have a race of beings, utterly unenlightened to their true relationship with everything, taking their arrogance to force themselves upon another race of equally unenlightened beings, the only thing that will result is conflict. After the conflict arises, the aggressor of the two seeks to construct infrastructure to protect themselves against their now “foe”. The two sides engage with each other until both are destroyed. And so is the mindless existence of unenlightened bodies in nature. Activity, unlike that of the most simplest of organisms — bacteria, or a virus. Humans with the complexities of their neurological makeup, still have more in common with a one-celled organism than uncommon. Detect, engage, consume, move on. From the simplest of forms of life, to the most complex, there is no difference; only the scale.

And so, meet the meaning of the endless stream of thoughts that you have in your head. For if you do not have all these thoughts which you mindlessly follow, day in and day out, for your entire life, how will you consume all that you can and expand as far as your body will take you? Empires are born of pursued thoughts. Thoughts that are clung to like fly paper. Thoughts that lead people to destroy themselves under the guise of communal good. When thoughts come and go, if they are not followed, I am quite sure that your body will live on. The sun will continue to move across the sky.

To be enlightened, put down your thoughts.




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The Infinite Grand Symphony

It is the universe talking.
All is the universe talking.
A magnificent conversation of everything.
A symphony.
A symphony of billions and billions of notes and chords,
that both composes and plays itself.

Non-beginning, non-ending.
New life is not the beginning; death not the end.
Animation and dynamics were always present;
their individual cessations present as well.

If it is, then it was suppose to be,
If it is not, then it was not supposed to be.
When it comes it was right on time,
If it has not yet come, it is not late.

Look at the sky,
Do you recognize yourself?
Listen to the wind,
Do you hear yourself?

Listen to the symphony that you have written…

Listen to yourself

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If You’re Not Here Now, What Good is the Future?

There will be no future for you to worry about, because chances are that you won’t even be there to savor the things that come about in it. Always looking for the next future, and dwelling over the past. Always “mine, mine, mine” and “you did ME wrong.” Death will be the only time in which there will be no more seeking; no more worrying; no more flopping around wildly like a lizard’s tale that has been chopped off, and left twitching on the ground. The running will never stop. Where are you right now when you are reading these words? The body is present, but the mind is most likely busy busy busy. It’s busy interpreting, processing and making connections. It’s busy thinking. Always thinking. The human brain; a blessing and a curse.
Still the mind.
Quench the fire by not acknowledging it anymore. Stop chopping wood to keep the fire alive. When it goes out, take the ashes and return them to the soil to fertilize it.