The Still Mind

Our world observed from stillness

These Things Called GMO’s

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GM Baby

A few weeks ago, TSM contributed to spreading the word about a pivotal event and movement of our time: The March Against Monsanto, with a live feed of the NYC protest (feed now offline). At the time, there was very little to no mainstream media coverage, which is almost shocking, yet very revealing at the same time, as millions of anti-GMO protestors took to the streets in their respective countries to get the word out about the genetic mad scientist-corporation, Monsanto.

The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture (UKCA) defines GMO’s as a plant or animal that has been genetically modified through the addition of a small amount of genetic material from other organisms through molecular techniques. On the surface GMO’s seem to be a godsend when it comes to issues like prevention of crop loss due to climate factors and pests and “feeding the world”, however recent information has shown that the opposite is true (especially since food shortages are a result of lack of access, rather than available quantity in existence).

The majority of us have all heard of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), but what are they, and why exactly are they so bad for us? Let’s first start out by saying that GMO’s are found in roughly anywhere from 80 to 90% of the packaged food that humans now consume, and they are not just reserved for your favorite tasty treats. Monsanto (or MonSatan, as some so lovely call them), in their unabated push to command and patent the genetic code of every single living thing on this planet, have even finagled their test tube “tinkerings” into the vegetable and fruit supply, and if you don’t buy organic, there is an extremely high likelihood that GM vegetables and fruits are passing your lips at meal time. So, why is this a bad thing?

A study by scientist Judy Carman, PHD that was recently published in the peer reviewed journal Organic Systems outlines the effects of a diet mixed with GMO feed for pigs, and how it is a cause for concern when it comes to health (1). Scientists randomized and fed isowean pigs either a mixed GM soy and GM corn (maize) diet for approximately 23 weeks (nothing out of the ordinary for most pigs in the United States), which is unfortunately the normal lifespan of a commercial pig from weaning to slaughter. Equal numbers of male and female pigs were present in each group. The GM diet was associated with gastric and uterine differences in pigs. GM pigs had uteri that were 25% heavier than non-GM fed pigs. GM-fed pigs had a higher rate of severe stomach inflammation with a rate of 32% compared to 125 of non-GM fed pigs. (Excerpt from Collective Evolution)

Why this occurs is illustrated by the method in which GMO’s are created. The basic premise entails splicing genetic information from different organisms, usually viruses and bacteria, such as E. Coli, in order to trick the host plant cell to accept the foreign information. As we all know, viruses are quite good at doing this, which is precisely why they are utilized. The altered genetic code carries with it the potential to manifest a suite of unknown expressions, and thus could (and does, as we now know) effect and alter the molecular properties of food. (University of Kentucky: Bt-Corn;

The study concluded that pigs fed a GMO diet exhibited a heavier uteri and a higher rate of severe stomach inflammation than pigs who weren’t fed a GMO diet. (Collective Evolution)

Humans are far from immune to the type of gene expression corruption that GMO’s exhibit in these pigs. Once the modified genes make their way into the cell, the expression of the cell is hijacked, due to the fact that the identity of the cell disappears. The result is a rogue cell that has the potential to turn cancerous.Less human_quote

But the problem doesn’t just stop there. As is addressed in the video below, BT-corn, a genetically modified corn variant, secretes an insecticide to protect it from bugs. Now I’m sure that we can all see the issue inherent with a “food” that produces its own toxic substance, when it comes to consuming it as human beings. If it kills bugs, what do you think it does to us? However, since corn is the foundational ingredient in high-fructose corn syrup (found ubiquitously throughout the entire spectrum of food stuffs, from candy to even BREAD!), what are the odds that you think this BT-corn has made its way into the vast majority of products that we all consume? Consuming this BT-corn in products could potentially code human DNA to produce the toxin inside the body. There are a whole host of problems associated with ingesting food stuffs that re-code DNA (not just to produce toxins, but for the development of mutations as well), precisely why Natural News key writer, Mike Adams (Health Ranger) in the all important health news clip below, states: “the more genetically modified food you consume, the less human you become”, and why there is a mass fight for labeling of GMO-containing products.

Via Choice and Truth

It should be noted that according to UKCA, BT Delta Endotoxin (BT) is “considered safe for humans, other mammals, fish, birds, and the environment because of its selectivity”, though one should also note the use of the word CONSIDERED, and also take into account the countless studies that have shown otherwise. (University of Kentucky: BT-Corn)

It is also interesting to note that more than 50 countries (USA excluded!) have banned the import of GMO products, a very telling sign that GMO’s are not safe. (Label GMO’s)

The moral of the story, avoid GMO’s and “foods” that contain them. For a list of companies that provide non-GMO food, click here, from Non-GMO Project.

An important video for everyone to watch: “How GMO foods Alter Organ Function” From Natural News (13:38 mins)

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Author: Garrett S.

I am a writer, researcher, and 3D CG generalist, who developed a strong penchant for meditation and spiritual practices. I've incorporated that background into my current work manning the helm in directing my own personal animated projects, most notably of which is my "Mr. G" series, and "The Ville".

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